Sunday, February 10, 2013

focal point

Here is my response to the focal point assignment.


This example of contrast was found on google images. It displays a focal point by contrast by making the entire image two colors except for the bird (focal point).


I found this example of isolation on google images. This picture displays a focal point by isolation because all the other pieces of the puzzle are white and the focal point is different. Perhaps the artist is trying to make a statement about racism.


I found this image on google images. It displays a focal point by placement because of the placement of the sun/moon in the sky as well as the reflection on the water. This picture is interesting to think about because what situation would look like that and how would it happen?

One Element:

This was found on google images. I think this picture represents a focal point with one element because this whole picture is made up of the corner of a wooden dresser or piece of furniture. But right in the center is a metal bracket, this may suggest a revolution on the introduction of metal into a previously industrialized civilization.   

Lack Of:

This picture was found on google images. It lacks a focal point but that isn't really a bad thing. the chaos is still somehow interesting and unique in its own way. even without a focus of the painting it can still be interpreted by who ever is looking at it.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Unity Assignment

Pictures for the unity assignment:


I found this on Andy Rutledge blog. Its amazing how the white space actually turns into something recognizable in our minds.

Repetition (Similarity)

This example of repetition came from from fine art The repeating pattern of the columns and the shadows draw the eye to the center of the picture.


I found this picture while browsing The crayons display repetition in their shape but variety in their color.


This picture was hiding on a blog by Josh Gushue. It literally represents continuity because the artist drew the picture without lifting his/her pen.

The Grid

Here is my example of the grid was found on google images. Its a great example of the grid because of the hundreds of small squares that make up the picture.
